Scholarly Journal Articles on Ancient Art and Its Effect on Contemporary Life


SAAC 26 - Call for papers!

Dear Colleagues,

We would similar to kindly invite you to submit papers to the 26th volume of SAAC - Studies in Ancient Fine art and Civilisation.

We remind you that SAAC is an open-access journal indexed by SCOPUS that welcomes articles and shorter notes by established scholars and immature academics in defined fields of archaeological and cultural studies:

  • Predynastic and early dynastic Egypt
  • Archæology, art and culture of aboriginal Egypt and Middle Eastward
  • Archæology, art and civilisation of Hellenic republic and its colonies (especially the Black Body of water region), Republic of cyprus, Italian republic and Rome
  • Non-Mediterranean ancient civilizations
  • History of antiquities collecting and history of archaeological research
  • Reception of aboriginal civilizations in modern Europe

SAAC accepts papers written in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian (for the Blackness Sea region).

Papers must exist submitted by 28th February 2022. The editor reserves the right to postpone the publication of articles sent later on the borderline to the next book.

Manufactures are published only after they accept successfully undergone a double-blind review procedure. The authors are required to provide a argument confirming that the contents of the commodity have been prepared independently, in gild to rule out ghostwriting.

Kind regards

Prof. Jarosław Bodzek

Chief Editor of SAAC

SAAC 24 - Published

It is our pleasure to inform you that the 24th book of Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization has been published! Ix manufactures in the electric current volume are based on papers presented at the conference RGT2019Symposium "Routes, Goods and Ties: Recent Discoveries and Problems of Southern Levantine Archaeology", and iv are non-conference texts. All the articles were peer-reviewed.

Y'all tin can read and download all the newest articles at: world wide

Table of contents:

Foreword to the Manufactures from RGT2019 Conference, Guido Vannini, Piotr Kołodziejczyk

Late neolithic cultural landscape in the Al-Jafr Bowl, southern Jordan: a brief review in context, Sumio Fujii

Preliminary remarks on the Iron Age Cypriot imports in Tell Keisan, a Phoenician metropolis in Lower Galilee (Israel), Mariusz Burdajewicz

New research in the sacred zone of the Fabrika Hill in Nea Paphos, Cyprus, Jolanta Młynarczyk

Al-Jaya Palace and the New Shawbak Boondocks. A Medieval frontier and the return of the urbanism in the Southern Transjordan, Guido Vannini

Archaeological research in the Petra Valley: preliminary remarks from the earthworks at the Corinthian Tomb, Raffaele Ranieri, Francesca Cheli

Monks across the desert. Hermitic life in Christian Petra, Andrea Vanni Desideri, Silvia Leporatti

The view from 'pre-Crusader' Shawbak: towards a first contextualization through GIS visibility and spatial analyses, Giacomo Ponticelli

Surveying the rural hamlet of Al-Jāyyah (Ma'an Governorate, Hashemite kingdom of jordan): archaeological methodologies and showtime results A contribution to the noesis of the Shawbak territorial settlement in the longue durée, Chiara Marcotulli

Archaeological research as a do good for the local community Southern Jordan in the preliminary socioarchaeological report, Katarzyna Radziwiłko, Łukasz Kutyło, Piotr Kołodziejczyk

Not-briefing articles:

Tomb architecture and distribution in the Eastern Necropolis of Nea Paphos, Cyprus, Vasiliki Lysandrou

A os disc with an inscription from Marina el-Alamein (Arab republic of egypt), Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner

A annotation on Sasanian-buddhist object of Gyeongju National Museum, Daryoosh Akbarzadeh

Entre rêverie et authenticité – une immersion dans l'Égypte Ancienne avec le peintre Stefan Bakałowicz, Valentin Boyer

SAAC 25 - Call for papers!

We would like to kindly invite you to submit papers to the 25th volume of SAAC.
We remind you that SAAC is an open-access journal indexed past SCOPUS that welcomes articles and shorter notes by established scholars and young academics in defined fields of archaeological and cultural studies:

  • Predynastic and early dynastic Arab republic of egypt
  • Archæology, art and civilization of ancient Egypt and Center East
  • Archaeology, art and civilization of Greece and its colonies (specially the Black Sea region), Cyprus, Italy and Rome
  • Not-Mediterranean ancient civilizations
  • History of antiquities collecting and history of archaeological inquiry
  • Reception of aboriginal civilizations in modernistic Europe

SAAC accepts papers written in English, German language, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian (for the Black Sea region).

Papers must be submitted by31th January 2021. The editor reserves the right to postpone the publication of articles sent afterwards the deadline to the adjacent book.

Articles are published simply after they have successfully undergone a double-blind review process. The authors are required to provide a statement confirming that the contents of the commodity have been prepared independently, in order to dominion out ghostwriting.

If y'all want to send us your paper proposal, please check out guidelines for authors.

SAAC 23 published!

Information technology is our pleasure to inform that the 23rd volume of Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization has been published!

Yous can read and download all the newest manufactures hither:

Tabular array of contents:

Evolution of Aboriginal Egyptian Bifacial Flint Knives A View from the Settlement in Tell el-Murra, Katarzyna Lajs

Egyptian Kitchenware in Southern Levant during Early Statuary IB2 Catamenia, Marcin Gamrat

Restoration Piece of work in the Main Sanctuary of Amun of the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari, Urszula Kraśniewska

Combat, Myths and Seals in the Griffin Warrior Times, Kazimierz Lewartowski

The Court of Cyrus the Younger in Anatolia: Some Remarks, Michał Podrazik

Coinage of the Cilician Cities equally a Mirror of Historical and Cultural Changes (V c. BCE – Iii c. CE), Edward Dąbrowa

The Family of the Theban Priest Nesbandebdjedet, Maxim Panov

Statue of Ptolemy 2 Philadelphus (Villa Albani 558): Study of the Inscription and Trouble of the Dating, Maxim Panov, Andrii Zelinskyi

The Blocked-out Capitals from the Area of the Agora of Amathous, Republic of cyprus, Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka

Were These Jugs and Colanders Made of Cooking Ware Textile Intended for Cooking? Finds from the Polish Excavations of Warsaw Academy at Nea Paphos, Monika Więch

A Quaternary Century Tomb of the Followers of Mithras from the Catacomb of SS. Peter and Marcellinus in Rome, Gabriela Ingle

Czartoryski & Torlonia: A Drove of Roman Marble Statues in the Princes Czartoryski Museum, Dorota Gorzelany-Nowak

SAAC 22 published!

Information technology is our pleasure to inform that the 22nd volume of Studies in Ancient Art and Culture has been published!

You tin read and download all the newest articles hither:

Table of contents:

Several Remarks About the Near-Eastern Contribution to Early Archaic Greek Warfare, Jakub Witowski

Hinged Fibulae from Halae in the Collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, Agata Kubala

In Search of a Paphian Lost Circular Building, Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka

Petra – Holy Urban center from the Perspective of Art, Compages, inscriptions and Other Features, Eyad Almasri, Firas Alawneh

Aegean Wine Imports to the City of Rome (1st century BC – 3rd century Advertising), Paulina Komar

From Democracy to Oligarchy – the Office of the Civic Aristocracy Within the Community in Roman Delphi, Dominika Grzesik

Roman Gems in the National Soares dos Reis Museum in Oporto, Graça Cravinho

Some Remarks on the Ivy Leaf Lamp Found in Ptolemais, Maria Jaworska

"Commentatio tertia, nummaria" by Johann Peter Titius. A Contribution to the Noesis of Ancient Greek and Roman Coins in the 17th-century Gdańsk Bookish Gymnasium, Bartosz Awianowicz

Iii-dimensional Stratigraphy Reconstruction and GIS – Postprocessing Problems in Archaeological field 3D Documentation, Wojciech Ostrowski, Łukasz Miszk, Weronika Winiarska

SAAC vols. 22 (complementary) and 23 call for papers!

SAAC vols. 22 (complementary) and 23 phone call for papers!

SAAC publishes papers in the fields of archaeology, fine art and civilization. The territories covered are ancient Egypt, the Near East, Greece and its colonies, Cyprus, Rome, equally well equally other, non-Mediterranean ancient civilizations. Pieces on the history of the discipline of archaeology, collections of antiquities and the reception of ancient civilization in modernistic Europe are too welcomed.

Papers written in English language, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian are accepted. Moreover, since vol. 22, we accept papers written in Smooth and offer their translation into English language once they are positively reviewed.

Papers to the vol. 22 must be submitted by 10th October 2018. This is a complementary call so the space for articles is limited. Papers submitted after completion of the volume will exist automatically transferred to the 23rd volume of SAAC.

Papers to the vol. 23 must be submitted by31th January 2018. The editor reserves the right to postpone the publication of articles sent subsequently the borderline to the next volume.

Articles are published only after they have successfully undergone a double-blind review process. The authors are required to provide a statement confirming that the contents of the article have been prepared independently, in order to dominion out ghostwriting.

If you want to transport u.s.a. your paper proposal, please cheque out guidelines for authors.

SAAC accepted by SCOPUS

We are happy to inform that our awarding have been accustomed by Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and shortly Studies in Ancient Fine art and Civilization will exist indexed there. Correct now, nosotros are going through the indexing process, merely in well-nigh 2 months we should be officially listed! Stay tuned!

The 21st volume of SAAC!

The 21st volume of SAAC!

We accept a pleasance to denote that the 21st volume of SAAC has been published. The newest publication contains twelve papers touching a variety of subjects. It is a well-balanced volume including three articles about aboriginal Egypt: ane. Robert kuhn writes about burying practices in the Early Dynastic period, 2. Paul Nicholson about pottery product mechanisms and three. Diana Liesegang about Ramesses III under the influence of personal religion. The next texts take united states of america to ancient Republic of cyprus where mysterious temple-boys figurines were prouced and Maciej Wacławik comments on them, and Greece every bit a middle for pottery production (please, note articles by Agata Kubala and Inga Głuszek). Turning to ancient Rome, Kamil Kopij wonders when did Pompey the Peachy engage in hisimitatio Alexandri? while Alexis Bonnefoy and Michel Feugere annotate on the controvertial bronze figurine of Hermes Dionysophore -Le Bronze Lormier. The 21st book of SAAC offers substantial contributions to the glyptic studies as Graca Cravinho discusses more than than 70 Roman engraved gemstones from the National Archaeological Museum in Lisbon and Jean-Louis Podvin presents another view point on the amulet discovered in 2011 in Nea Paphos, Cyprus that was originally published by Joachim Śliwa in the 17th volume of SAAC (2013). Moreover, Hadrien J. Rambach proves archival research to bring fruitful results on the history of precious stone collecting and he gives us a wonderful reconstruction of several gems previously considered lost for science forever. Finally, a squad of Polish scholars (Mateusz Bogucki, Arkadiusz Dymowski and Grzegorz Śnieżko) comments on the afterlife of ancient coins in the territory of present-day Poland in the medieval and modern periods.

To readabstracts of the articles and to see theirreviewers, go to Archives.

To purchase the book 21 - visit web site:

SAAC in ERIH PLUS journals database!

It is our pleasure to inform that Studies in Ancient Fine art and Civilization has been canonical for inclusion in ERIH PLUS journals database. The ERIH PLUS listing of the journal is available at:…/…/periodical/info…

We encourage to submit your papers for the adjacent 22nd volume of SAAC as notwithstanding some free infinite awaits to be filled with a squeamish piece of writing!

SAAC vol. 22 phone call for papers!

SAAC vol. 22 call for papers!

SAAC publishes papers in the fields of archaeology, art and civilization. The territories covered are ancient Egypt, the Near Eastward, Greece and its colonies, Republic of cyprus, Rome, also equally other, not-Mediterranean ancient civilizations. Pieces on the history of the subject field of archaeology, collections of antiquities and the reception of ancient culture in mod Europe are besides welcomed.

Papers written in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian will be accepted.

Papers must be submitted past31th January 2018. The editor reserves the correct to postpone the publication of articles sent later the borderline to the side by side volume.

Articles are published simply after they have successfully undergone a double-blind review process. The authors are required to provide a statement confirming that the contents of the article accept been prepared independently, in social club to dominion out ghostwriting.

If you lot want to send us your paper proposal, please check out guidelines for authors.

The 20th volume of SAAC!

The 20th volume of SAAC!

We have a pleasure to announce that the 20th volume of SAAC has been published. The newest publication contains twelve papers touching a multifariousness of subjects. Magdalena Kaziemierczak continues her presentation of pottery from Tell el-Murra and Tell el-Farkha cemeteries. In that location are four texts dealing with Greek vases and amphorae and an important study of Parthenon frieze reliefs. Moreover, the team of of archaeologists from the Paphos Agora Project nowadays their findings (oil lamps, textile and a bronze steelyard). Regarding Nea Paphos, there is also an article by Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka presenting a reconstruction of a façade of the House of Aion. Finally, two terminal studies hash out more than recent issues, namely, the reception of classical culture in the 19th century glyptics and the early 20th century exploration of Arabia Petraea past Władysław Szczepański.

To readabstracts of the articles and to meet theirreviewers, go to Archives.

To buy the book 20 - visit website:

SAAC vol. 21 call for papers!

SAAC vol. 21 call for papers!

SAAC publishes papers in the fields of archaeology, art and culture. The territories covered are ancient Arab republic of egypt, the Near Due east, Greece and its colonies, Cyprus, Rome, besides every bit other, non-Mediterranean ancient civilizations. Pieces on the history of the subject field of archaeology, collections of antiquities and the reception of ancient civilization in modern Europe are also welcomed.

Papers written in English language, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian volition be accepted.

Papers must be submitted by31th January 2017. The editor reserves the right to postpone the publication of articles sent after the borderline to the next book.

Manufactures are published only after they take successfully undergone a double-blind review process. The authors are required to provide a statement confirming that the contents of the article have been prepared independently, in order to dominion out ghostwriting.

If yous desire to send us your paper proposal, delight check out guidelines for authors.

The 19th volume of SAAC!

The 19th volume of SAAC!

We have a pleasance to announce that the 19th volume of SAAC has been published. It includes articles touching a diverseness of subjects from the assay of aboriginal, Egyptian and Greek ceramics to the studies of symbolic meaning of detail archaeological artifacts, including the important bronze calyx-krater from the "Heuzey B" tomb at Vergina (aboriginal Aigai). In that location are interesting contributions presenting new methods in archaeological documentation at the site equally well as the results of geoarchaeological analysis from Paphos (Cyprus) and Tell el-Farkha (Egypt). There are also 3 texts on aboriginal Greek fortifications and urban architecture.

To readabstracts of the manufactures and to see their reviewers, go to Archives.

To buy the volume 19 - visit website:

The 18th volume of SAAC!

The 18th book of SAAC - Proceedings of the Sixth Key European Conference of Egyptologists. Arab republic of egypt 2012: Perspectives of Research held on 5th – seventh July 2012 in the Plant of Archaeology, Jagiellonian Academy in Krakow, Poland.

To read abstracts of the articles and to see their reviewers, go to Archives.

To buy the book 18 – visit website:

The 17th volume of SAAC!

The 17th book of SAAC - especially defended to Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka

To readabstracts of the manufactures and to see their reviewers, go to Archives.

To buy the volume 17 - visit website: world wide


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