Walking the World in Wonder by Hopman Free Read

Ellen Evert Hopman is the writer of trilogy of Fe Historic period Druid novels

Ellen Evert Hopman teaches Druids online and is also the author of a number of herbals

Ellen Evert Hopman about Druids and Priestess of the Forest Series

Ellen Evert Hopman lives and works in New England where she teaches a half dozen month Herbal intensive every year near Amherst, Massachusetts, October to Apr. She besides teaches and initiates Druids online and in her area of Western Massachusetts. She is the author of a number of herbals including A Druids Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year, Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore, Secret Medicines from Your Garden, Walking the Globe in Wonder – a Children's Herbal, and A Druids Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine. She is besides the author of a trilogy of Fe Age Druid novels (The Priestess of the Forest series).

Observe out more than about Ellen and her books

See all her books (and gild signed copies) here.

Visit her on Facebook hither and here.

Welcome, Ellen Evert Hopman.

Ellen Evert Hopman about Druids and Priestess of the Forest Series

Your real name and pen name?

Ellen Evert Hopman is my real proper name.

Please share some of the best memories of your babyhood.

Walking in the woods with my mother we came upon a wild eggplant, growing in a clearing. To me, it appeared huge, shiny royal and very magical. She felt the same. I loved walking with my parents and my blood brother in natural areas and having picnics outdoors.

Most your teaching?

I had a foreign education in that I attended Public secular, Catholic, Protestant, Quaker, Communist inspired and Armed services schools as my family moved from country to country. I was a Country Department deviling. I think attention all those schools taught me that at that place are many different ways to think about the world and to worship. Information technology fostered a tolerance in me for dissimilar faiths.

Ellen Evert Hopman about Druids and Priestess of the Forest Series

What career did you programme during your didactics days?
Initially, I thought I would be an creative person. I have a degree in Art Instruction. Then I majored in Drama and Trip the light fantastic, then Art History. I finished with a Masters in Mental Wellness Counseling.

What languages you tin speak and write?

English language, Spanish, German, Italian and (very badly) French. I also know enough Latin and Gaelic that with a lexicon in paw I can translate those languages.

What is your biggest source of inspiration in life?

Nature. She is the greatest artist of all.

What hurts you most in this world?

I detest to see animals that take been abused and are suffering. I am too very injure by all the war refugees currently living in camps with very piffling promise. It is upsetting to me that my ain land is doing and then little to assist the millions who are living in tents and camps. I'd rather see my revenue enhancement dollars go to that than to constantly edifice more battleships, bombers, and nuclear weapons.

What is the biggest challenge y'all have faced? How did you overcome information technology?

Ane in 3 American women has been abused. I got out of a very abusive marriage and had to re-create my life. That'southward when I gave upward the house in the suburbs, the dishwasher, the middle-class existence, and moved to the country. I have been living in the wood, writing and educational activity e'er since.

Ellen Evert Hopman about Druids and Priestess of the Forest Series

If you had to live a day of your life equally one of the living or expressionless personality, who would information technology exist and why?

I'd similar to live every bit a Druidess in ancient times, just to understand who the Druids were and what they actually knew.

What is your favorite genre and why?

That depends on what I am working on at any given time. When I am writing an herbal I bury myself in plant books. When I am writing a Druidic novel I focus on Celtic history. At this time, I am thinking nearly perhaps tackling a memoir then I am reading memoirs.

When did yous offset writing? What is the purpose of your writing?

I wrote my first volume while I was in grad school. I was looking for a book on how to use trees for food and medicine. I couldn't detect 1 then I made a giant leap of illogic and decided I needed to write the book myself. That was in the mid-1980's. The purpose of my books is usually to answer a question that I am holding in my head. I assume that if I notice the work interesting, others will too. So far it's worked out!

Which of your work has been published so far? Would yous similar to share a synopsis of your piece of work?

Every book I have e'er written has gotten published, so far. Here is a cursory accounting of the current tally;


My first novel was Priestess of the Forest: A Druid Journeying (Llewellyn, February 2008), combining a fictional romance with practical Druid rites and rituals. The sequel is called The Druid Isle (Llewellyn, Apr 2010). The third book in the series is Priestess of the Fire Temple: A Druid's Tale (Llewellyn, March 2012). The books accept place in belatedly Iron Historic period Republic of ireland and Scotland and explore the conflict betwixt the Druids and the incoming Christian missionaries.


A Legacy of Druids-Conversations with Druid leaders from United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, United states and Canada (Moon Books, April 2016), Secret Medicines from Your Garden (Healing Arts Press, March 2016)The Secret Medicines Of Your Kitchen ( mPowr Ltd., London, October 2012), Scottish Herbs and Fairy Lore (Pendraig Publishing, June, 2011), A Druid's Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine (Inner Traditions - Acquit and Visitor, June 2008), Being a Infidel: Druids, Wiccans, and Witches Today (Destiny Books, 2001), Walking the World in Wonder - A Children'southward Herbal (Healing Arts Press, 2000), A Druid'southward Herbal for the Sacred World Year (Destiny Books, 1994), People of the World: The New Pagans Speak Out (Inner Traditions, 1995, currently out of impress) and Tree Medicine-Tree Magic (Phoenix Publishing, Inc., 1992, currently out of print).

I have also released video tapes and DVDs on the subjects covered in my books through Sawmill River Productions. Run across clips from the videos here;

At the moment, I am contemplating a memoir. I have already tried writing a few pages and found that information technology is an exhausting process because y'all have to relive your life and all its traumas. I am wondering if I take the fortitude to finish such a book.

What genres y'all write in and why?

I have written in just nigh every genre. The but one I haven't tackled yet is a memoir. I was waiting for my "old age" to write such a book. Now I call up it could be done at any age.

What keeps y'all motivating towards writing?

I can't do information technology. If I am not writing a volume it feels similar I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing on this planet. I seem to have a mission to acquire (or remember) the sometime ways of doing things and to keep passing those along for future generations.

If writing a volume is taken as a project, what are the fundamental essentials you take care of in Project Management?

Fourth dimension, time and more fourth dimension. It's all about finding the time. I have worked part time at jobs all my life, but so I would have the energy to go along writing and educational activity. That has meant a life of about poverty, only a very rich life all the same. It's likewise about discipline. Yous accept to be willing to sit in a chair, all by yourself, for hours on end.

What are your futurity plans?

At the moment, I am in conversations with a script writer, an actress, and a flick editor most making my Druidic trilogy into a film. At some point, we volition need to practise some massive fund raising, so that will be a project unto itself.

What is generally your preference in reading – a paper book or e-book? And why?

Definitely paper. I dislike all the time I am forced to sit in front of a reckoner and I don't fifty-fifty ain an due east-reader. Retrieve that books don't have to exist made from trees; they could be fabricated from hemp, former rags, and many other materials.

How much real life goes into fiction writing?

A good deal of real life finds its way into fiction. Characters are made of pieces of unlike individuals the writer has known and situations are oft based on existent life experiences. Those details are what bring the characters and stories to life.

Is a high level of imagination important to have for an author?

For fiction, yep. For non-fiction what is more important is a stiff desire to detect the truth and the willingness to spend years getting all the information together.

Your dream destination on Earth?

I badly want to become back to Republic of ireland, to spend time with Druids in that location and to hear their stories. I want to visit more holy wells and aboriginal sites. That's how my Celtic novels get born. I'd as well like to visit the rain forest in Republic of costa rica, to view the plants.

Favorite time of the day?

Dusk, considering that when the birds flock to the trees to settle down and the owls and deer, moose and coyotes get active. That'southward when y'all can see and hear the animals. And the sunlight is ofttimes purple, gold or orange which bathes the world in a kind of mystery.

Your zodiac/ sun sign?


Your favorite color and why?

For a long time, I thought it was greenish but then I noticed that all my new clothes are shades of turquoise and blueish. I call up I am trying to calm myself and be more wedded to the Spiritual realms.

What is the last book you finished reading? What is the current book you are reading?

I just finished "Lit" by Mary Karr. I am now reading "The Globe'south Best Memoir Writing" by Eve Claxton.

Your favorite book and why?

Goodness. That is difficult to answer. Two books I constantly turn to are "Pagan Celtic Britain" by Anne Ross and "Native American Medicinal Plants" by Daniel Moerman. They have both helped me in my teaching and writing.

Your favorite picture and why?

I love the Harry Potter series. They seem to validate all the years I have been teaching Druid students.

Your favorite celebrity and why?

John Lennon, considering he tried to teach peace to the world.

Your favorite food?

Gluten costless chocolate cake.

Your favorite sports?

I accept no interest in competitive sports. I do love to dance and swim.

What is the forcefulness that drives you?

As I mentioned to a higher place I seem to have a vocation to celebrate the means of the ancestors and go along them alive for time to come generations. I have washed that in all my books, both fiction, and non-fiction.

What comes to your mind when you recall of India?

For me, India is the Eastern border of the vast Indo-European span of languages and cultures. The aboriginal Celtic religion had the same roots equally Hinduism and the Celtic organized religion was the Western branch of the aforementioned tradition. Both are descended from Vedic cultures and spirituality.

What 3 words come up to your mind for each – Technology, Life, God,
Humanity, Terrorism, Racism, Childhood Abuse, Love, Parenting, Old historic period

Technology: a mixed blessing

Life: short only hopeful

God: has many guises

Humanity: the all-time and the worst

Terrorism: sad and unnecessary

Racism: cause of suffering for many

Babyhood corruption: way also common

Beloved: institute in all creation

Parenting: kids and animals

Old Age: surprisingly productive and artistic

First affair you do in the morning later waking up?

Hug the cats.

The terminal affair to do before sleep?

Feed the cats.

If 1 fine forenoon you wake up and find your sex activity changed to the contrary, what will be your first reaction?

I'd say "Now my life will be easier". In most cultures men have privileges they aren't even aware of.

State your signature line/ tagline/ best quote

"Every tree is a church for a Druid."

The last line of your autobiography would exist…

"To be connected."

The title of your autobiography would be…

"One Life Explored"


Source: https://pebbleinthestillwaters.blogspot.com/2016/04/ellen-evert-hopman-about-druids-and.html

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